How It Works

High School

Marian University Preparatory School is a private school. We provide licensed teachers and instructional materials. Students and families will be responsible for providing some school supplies, such as printer ink and paper. Because our classes are online, a computer with an internet connection is required. Loaner computers are available for families based on demonstrated financial need. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technology and computer questions and needs.

MU Prep Full-Year Tuition$6,500
MU Prep Semester Tuition$3,250

In high school, students work more independently and take responsibility for their learning. A parent (or other responsible adult) serves as the Learning Coach to the teen. Teachers set the pace of instruction, but the Learning Coach provides oversight and help when needed.

Parent/Learning Coach involvement may vary per child and grade level. The initial 4 to 8 weeks can be intensive as families settle into a routine. High school students work more directly with teachers, but parent/Learning Coach involvement for approximately 10 hours a week is still essential.

While online lessons can usually be completed at any time of day, students will be required to attend live Class Connect sessions with their teacher(s) based on the student’s individual needs. During Class Connect sessions, students receive direct instruction from teachers and have opportunities to interact and collaborate with classmates. In addition to regular, synchronous classroom instruction, teachers may offer support or small group sessions to assist in student learning. Parents/Learning Coaches are encouraged to contact their child’s homeroom teacher any time they have questions or concerns.

At MU Prep, student learning and academic growth are paramount. While we offer a level of flexibility, we recognize the importance of classroom pacing and the need for students to complete their work based on set due dates.

MU Prep’s high school uses a semester-based approach where students are required to earn a passing grade on their assignments and online lessons. Due dates are assigned to lessons to encourage consistent, steady progress for academic success.

Teachers provide group instruction through online synchronous sessions called Class Connects. Students are expected to attend Class Connects, which vary by subject and are scheduled by their teachers. Attending these sessions, along with completing coursework, will help students be successful.  

girl studying at home

All students enrolled for the entire school year must attend 180 instructional days per school year. The total instructional days are prorated based on the student’s start date. The daily amount of expected instructional time for 6–12th grade is 6 hours.

Email is the primary form of communication between the school and families. Learning Coaches and students are required to check and respond to emails daily. Students will be provided an MU Prep email account for school use.

Our testing is purposeful and meaningful and drives our instructional practices to best serve the individual needs of your child.

MU Prep students will complete national benchmark assessments through NWEA at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year. MU Prep-Indiana students must also comply with all Indiana-mandated testing requirements.

*Enrollment is available for grades K–12 in Indiana for the 2024–2025 school year.