Enrollment and Attendance FAQs
What grades are offered by Marian University Preparatory School?
Marian University Preparatory School (MU Prep) is currently enrolling full-time students in grades K–12 for the 2024-2025 academic school year.
Who is eligible to apply?
MU Prep is available for students in grades K–12 in all 50 states.
What does it cost to attend Marian University Preparatory School?
Marian University Preparatory School is a private school. We provide licensed teachers and instructional materials. Students and families will be responsible for providing some school supplies, such as printer ink and paper. Because our classes take place online, an internet connection is required. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technology and computer questions and needs.
MU Prep Full-Year Tuition | $6,500 | ||
MU Prep Semester Tuition | $3,250 |
Is tuition assistance or financial aid available?
MU Prep welcomes families to use any tuition services available within their state or community, and our enrollment consultants will work with families on their options.
For students of MU Prep-Indiana, Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program provides scholarships to eligible students to offset tuition costs at participating schools. Students must satisfy both household income requirements and student eligibility criteria to qualify.
How do I enroll my student?
Visit the How to Enroll page on the MU Prep website for information on enrolling your student.
Do you provide curriculum for students with special needs?
Marian University Preparatory School-Indiana provides specific special education services. To determine if available services align with your student’s needs, please call 317-556-5331 to speak with a representative of the school.
What is the attendance policy?
All students enrolled for the entire school year must attend 180 instructional days per school year. The total instructional days are prorated based on the student’s start date.
Do I need to have access to a computer to attend MU Prep?
Yes. However, based on financial need and eligibility, MU Prep may loan a computer to each enrolled student to support the learning process upon request. These computers are MU Prep instructional property and must be returned when the student leaves the school. MU Prep will arrange for technical support and troubleshooting for these systems. Each family will need to secure their own internet service provider.