How It Works

Indiana Residents

For Indiana residents, enrollment in Marian University Preparatory School (MU Prep-Indiana) comes with some extra benefits. While Indiana students can choose to study full-time in our virtual program, those in grades 6–12 have the option to enroll in our MU Prep-Indiana hybrid program, where they can spend part of their school week learning in person on Marian University’s Indianapolis campus.

When enrolled in MU Prep-Indiana, families select one of two learning formats, full-time virtual or hybrid learning. Full-time virtual students learn from home or wherever there’s an internet connection, along with their Learning Coach. No in-person instruction is provided as part of the virtual format.

MU Prep-Indiana students who choose the hybrid format attend both virtual and in-person classes. Students attend classes virtually on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday and Thursday, students learn in person at Marian University in Indianapolis. Friday is a flex day for students to catch up on work and meet one-to-one with teachers.

No matter the format, our curriculum and community are aligned as one school. Students will need to select their options before the start of each school year.

To learn more and see a sample hybrid schedule, read about our hybrid learning options in Indiana.

Did you know that MU Prep-Indiana is partnered with Ascend Indiana and Employ Indiana to create unique work-based learning opportunities for our students? In addition to K12 career pathways embedded into the curriculum, MU Prep-Indiana ensures students have work-based learning experiences beyond the classroom. Ascend and EmployIndy, Marion County’s workforce development board, launched a modern youth apprenticeship (MAP) pilot in Marion County in 2020. MAP is a two- to three-year program designed to prepare Central Indiana high school students for the workforce with paid, hands-on experience that complements their traditional coursework. MU Prep-Indiana students will have an opportunity to participate in the MAP program. 

  • Apprentices start in their junior year and gain experience in growing fields such as business, advanced manufacturing, and information technology.
  • Apprentices multiply their options for what comes next while getting paid and earning college credit in high school.
  • Students can also start building their network with well-known Central Indiana professionals.
  • Afterward, they can continue to a college degree, jump right into the workforce, or both.